Monday, October 26, 2009

No Wade For You!!!

I will not be in today. Please work on finishing your Principles of Design Illustrations. See you Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Project: Elements & Principles of Design

For the next assignment you are to illustrate six principles of design. You need to use a single shape as a constant for all images AND you are limited to only black and white (no color or gray). Do not use any distortion tools.

The principles are:


Below you will find examples of illustrations to represent the Principles of Design.

Balance creates visual equality. You can have symmetrical balance, like the wings of a butterfly.
OR you can asymmetrical balance

The image below is the same shapes as above but not balanced. Can you see the difference?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework: Elements and Principles of Design

It is important that you know and understand not only the principles but elements of design. I would like you to search for and define 7 elements and 7 principles of design. Write them out and cite your source(s).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Exercise: Clothing Replacement

First you need to harvest an image. Be sure it is a photograph depicting the entire body of the person. Using the pen tool, trace the shape of the clothes in the photo.

Next create a patern filled rectangle for each shape you created.

Drag the shapes oon to the pattern. Be sure that your shape is the top most object. Use ctrl+shift+up arrow to move it to the top.

Next, crop out the shapes by first selecting both the pattern filled rectangle and the clothing shape. Then "Modify - Combine - Crop." Repeat process for each piece of clothing.

Move clothing over on top of photo. Save as "Clothes"