Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Project: Matisse - Sketch

Good Morning!

Before we start working on the computer I would like you to sketch out an idea for the project. I expect you to complete the sketch worksheet which explains your challenge and asks for some additional thoughts.

Your challenge: Like Henri Matisse, create an image which tells story, using cool colored rectangles for the background and warm colored organic shapes in the foreground. Your title should help tell your story.

Below is an example I created.

See you tomorrow!

Sorry I am Out... Again

This time I am out because our boiler is not working correctly and I need to be home for the service visit.

P.S. - The picture is not my boiler.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Discussion: Matisse

Looking at the images below, please complete the "Artist Discussion Worksheet." At the end of class, turn in finished worksheet.

Images found at All-Art.org

Friday, September 18, 2009

Exercise: Warm and Cool 2

Next create organic shapes using the shape tools (rectangle, circle, polygon)and then distorting them using the Free Form tool. Fill the shapes with warm colors to use on the cool side and cool colors on the warm side. You should create 5 - 6 organic shapes for each side.

Here is my example.

Exercise: Warm and Cool

In Freehand create a series of geometric rectangles. Half the canvas should be cool colored rectangles. The other half should be cool colored rectangles. Fill the space as best you can.

Here is an example.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comment: Baby Wade

Yesterday's doctors appointment brought great news. My wife and I are having a baby boy. Post a comment below with your suggestion for the name. There are only a few rules: name must be appropriate; last name must be Wade; and one of the names (either middle or first must be Owen).
Thank you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sorry I am Out

I have a doctor's appointment today out of town and won't be in. Sorry.

First - Be sure you turned in a definition of positive space and for negative space. Several people did not get me those definitions.

Second - Be sure you also handed in definitions for organic and geometric shapes.

Third - Our new project is going to be inspired by the work of Henri Matisse. I would like you to find facts about the life and work of Henri Matisse.

20 facts = A
15 facts = B
10 facts = C

Facts should be written out and be sure to cite your source.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Assignment: File Formats

Please find the what the following file formats stand for and what they are best used for:


Right out answers. Due Tuesday 09/08

First Assigment: Hello

Below this post you will find a hyperlink for comments. Click the link and you will be brought to the comment page. In the text box type a greeting. Such as "Hi," "Hello," "How are you'" etc.
Scroll down and select "Name/URL" from the "Choose an Identity" choices. Type your name in the "name box" (you do not need to add a URL) and then click "Post Your Comment."
Your comment will not appear to post. I must approve all comments before they publish. Be sure to write your first name and last initial. Any anonymous postings will be rejected.
Also comments are graded rather simply. If you leave a comment, you are guaranteed 2 points if the comment fulfills the assignment's criteria. Doing a little more will gain you 3 points. An incorrect comment, still receives 1 point. 0 points are given to anyone not leaving a comment.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Welcome to the web log developed for computer art period 2.
This blog is going to be used to look at computer art examples and to comment on them. Your comments on this site will count towards your homework grade. Comments can be submitted via this blog or in written format during class. Comments can be simple ("I like it," "I don't like it," etc.) but I may reply to your comment for further feedback ("What do you like about it?" "What would you change?" etc).
This blog will also be used to introduce and remind you of assignments. You should check this blog at the start of each class, unless I tell you otherwise.
You will also be able to share computer art examples you find on the internet with the class. Be respectful and considerate, any inappropriate use of this blog will result in a zero for your homework grade for the semester and any applicable discipline code consequences.
Welcome again and enjoy!